Backjoy SitSmart Posture Plus

Backjoy is an effective solution specially designed to relieve & prevent (low) back complaints.

The product uniquely creates an active sitting position & corrects the position of the pelvis, making sitting upright easy.

A correct & active sitting position can be an effective solution against among other things (low) back problems, neck pain, sore & tense muscles, nerve pain.

The Posture + has been specially developed for adults with a weight between 50-125kg.

Recommended for: Office, (office chair) home, (kitchen table, computer,) car, & plane.





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Backjoy is an effective seating solution specially designed to relieve and prevent (low) back complaints.

The product uniquely creates an active sitting position and corrects the position of the pelvis, making sitting upright easy.

A correct and active sitting position can be an effective solution against, among other things, (low) back problems, neck pain, sore and tense muscles, vertebral and nerve pain.

The Posture Plus has been specially developed for adults with a weight between 50-125kg. Recommended for: Office (office chair), home (kitchen table, computer), car, and plane.






Backjoy SitSmart Posture Plus

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